(2019) 3 Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr. 7–22
Title of the article Professional Competenсe and Competencies of Civil Servant in the Context of the Public Service Reform
PhD in Law, Senior Research Officer, leading researcher, department for research of functional problems of the prosecutor’s office, Scientific and Research Institute, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, saw_flip_rnr@i.ua
senior lecturer, department of continuous training of civil servants of public prosecution service of Ukraine, Institute оf Continuing Training of Prosecutors, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, elena_hrusch@ukr.net
Short title
of the journal (ISSN)
Visn. Nac. akad. prokur. Ukr.
Year 2019
Issue 3
Pages [7–22]
Language Ukrainian
Abstract In the context of the systemic reform of the civil service, a problem of quality and professional competence of the personnel arose, as the public service appears simultaneously as a public institution, as an activity, as a system of rules for the performance of functions of the state and as personnel capable of effectively performing these functions. The effectiveness of implementing management decisions and implementing state development programs depends on the level of professional competence of civil servants, their ability to continuous personal and professional development.
The purpose of the article consists in clarification of value of categories “competence” and “jurisdiction” as elements of increase of level of professionalness of civil servant in the conditions of reformation of public service, and also determination of their correlation.
It is noted that the problem of clarifying the essence of basic concepts and terms relating to competences and competences in the civil service is relevant today. It is pointed out that the scientific works present different variants of interpretation of the content of professional competence, but there are significantly more publications that reveal issues of competence and competencies in the aspect of economic, social, educational spheres and management. The Council of Europe’s International Commission is also paying attention to the study of these concepts and their particular application.
It is noted that after the leadthrough of reform of government service in Ukraine only application of the competence approach begins near determination of professionalness of civil servants. Possibility of personality to perceive individual and social necessities, able correctly to react on them is foreseen a competence; mean the complex of relations, values, knowledges and skills.
On the basis of analysis of scientific researches and current legislation a conclusion is done, that a competence is a system concept, which has the structure, descriptions and properties. A civil servant can become competent in the professional activity, certain jurisdictions, realizing them in practice and obtaining experience. It is marked that a very important value has the clear legislative fixing of concept of competence and jurisdiction of civil servants. Determination of list of base jurisdictions for every category of positions of government service will enable a civil servant independently to organize own professional development, and it will be instrumental in quarry growth.
Keywords civil servant; professional competence; competencies; public administration.
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